How to Make White Coffee? The Ultimate Guide

Have you ever heard of white coffee? We hadn’t either, so we did a little research for you. Sit back and read this article to learn more. And who knows, this might become your next favorite beverage?

White Coffee

What Is White Coffee?

White coffee is not really so popular among most people yet. And that is the reason why many mix up white coffee with piccolo lattes, cappuccinos, and other kinds of teas. But you can rest assured that this isn’t the regular coffee that you usually drink.

Rather, the coffee bean that is basically under-roasted is white coffee. Unlike others, it offers a unique flavor, and you won’t get the slightest taste of regular coffee while sipping it.

Difference Between White Coffee and Black Coffee

There is plenty of difference between these two. But to give you a better understanding, we’re going to talk about some major things that differentiate white coffee from black coffee.


Well, the most obvious difference is the color. By the term white coffee, you can easily guess that it has whitish color beans. At the same time, black coffee beans boast black color.


Now the tastes of these two are hugely different from each other. You’ll get more of an earthy and nutty taste while drinking white coffee. On the other hand, black coffee gives a smoky, complex, and rich flavor.


This one is a major difference. See, you can grind black coffee beans at your home by using your grinder. But for grinding white coffee beans, you’re going to need commercial equipment that has more grinding power.

Caffeine in White Coffee

Many claims that white coffee contains 50% to 70% caffeine, which is yet to be proven. However, it’s important for you to know that when a coffee bean goes through the roasting process, it expands. And coffee bean loses caffeine depending on how long it gets roasted.

Since white coffee beans don’t expand pretty much due to under-roasting, it’s obvious that you’ll get more caffeine. With that being said, the amount of caffeine is not so major in it.

How to Make White Coffee?

Now, let’s talk about how you can make white coffee. This is the most important part that makes it stand out from others.

Getting Beans

First, get the coffee beans, and you’ll notice they are green in color for having lots of moisture in them. White coffee is produced by using the same beans that are used for regular coffee. However, the most commonly used are Arabica and often Robusta.

Putting in Roaster

It’s time you put the beans in the roaster, and things are going to get more engrossing from here. During roasting, you’ll notice that beans will start to change their color from green to brown. As the moisture begins to escape from them, they’ll stop at pale yellow color.

And if you expose the beans to higher temperatures of your roaster, they’ll further change their color.

Roasting Temperature

In the meantime, you’ve to keep in mind that beans are roasted between 450 Fahrenheit and to 480-degrees of temperature for making regular coffee. But since you’re making white coffee, you have to roast the beans at 325 degrees.

Roasting Duration

You have to keep the beans in the roaster for a short period of time in lower settings. Look, the time, as well as the temperature, greatly affect the ending result.

Pull Out the Beans

When they’re not even brown completely, that is just before they start to crack, pull them out. Leave the beans to cool.


When they’ve cooled down, it’s time to ground them. Don’t even think to use your home grinder for doing so. As they’re out before cracking, they’re pretty hard to smash. So, you better get a commercial grinder to grind these beans!

Advantages of White Coffee

Extensive research has not yet been done on the advantages of white coffee. That’s why we’re going to list a few advantages that are backed up with facts till now. So, the benefits are –

Since white coffee contains caffeine more than regular one, it’ll enhance your alertness. Not only that, but it’ll also boost your energy, stimulate hair growth as well as help in weight loss.

This boasts more antioxidants, such as Trigonelline, Quinine, Cafestol, and Melanoidins. They may reduce the threat of liver cancer, type 2 diabetes, cavities, and more.

It also comes with more chlorogenic acid that can help you lower your blood pressure, improving your mood.

But still, we believe that more advantages of white coffee are yet to be uncovered.

Final Verdict

We’ve covered not only how to make white coffee, but also talked about its benefits. Plus, we discussed the amount of caffeine present in it. We believe that by now, you’ve gained all the knowledge you need to give this beverage a shot.

Though there’re lots of questions yet to be answered, we are certain that you’re a more informed person by now.