How to Fix an Espresso Machine Gauge?

There’re literally thousands of users you can find who thought their espresso machine turned junk because of the low-pressure issue. It’s true that if you don’t have any idea how the pressure gauge of the device works or how you can adjust the pressure system inside, it’s going to drive you crazy.

So, we decided to put an end to this by explaining how to fix an espresso machine gauge. We will star with an explanation of how the pressure system of the machine works, then we will dive right into how to fix the gauge.

Espresso Machine Gauge

Why Is Pressure Crucial in Coffee Making?

Pressure in brewing coffee is pretty critical when you want the perfect taste. Depending on the pressure level of the machine, you may experience different tastes for the same coffee beans.

Usually, the rule of thumb is the more the pressure, the better you’re going to get an output. The coffee is going to taste great, and the cream will be the ‘creamiest’ of all.

There’s a pressure gauge meter on the device to let you know how to pressure is working. You can easily track and trace if the pressure is fluctuating by simply having a look at the gauge.

So, apart from top-quality beans and hot water, grinding and brewing pressure on an espresso machine is pretty important.

How to Tell If the Pressure Gauge Needs Fixing?

To tell if the gauge needs any fixing, the first thing you need to observe is the pressure meter movement. You can see when the coffee is ground coffee is being brewed, the pressure meter will move quite slowly.

It won’t cross half the way it used to cross when you brought it home. So, that’s the first thing.

The second thing you can notice is the way it sounds. While the coffee is being brewed, you can hear some weird and annoying sounds in the machine. Now, the machine does make a weird sound by default, but you can tell the difference, of course.

Thirdly, the coffee will taste a lot sour. It won’t generate enough cream on it and will not taste good at all. You don’t have a choice but to get rid of the coffee immediately.

So, if you can notice these symptoms on your espresso machine, the device has a problem with low pressure.

How to Fix the Pressure Gauge? 

First of all, not all problems have a DIY solution. You can’t just open the machine up wearing your DIY cap. So, if the meter itself is malfunctioning or there is some internal damage to the gauge, you need to call the authorized mechanics to fix it.

If that’s not the case, you can try and take some home remedies to see if it is going to get back to its normal formation.

Check the Grind Size 

The simplest and easiest solution is to check the grind size. This is exactly not a solution, but it’s good to check if there’s an issue with the size. Usually, the smaller the grind size, the finer the coffee bean is ground.

So, if there’s a problem with the grind size, the pressure may get a bit shaky. This may result in a lower quality coffee. So, check if the size is correct as it used to be.

The grind size bar is placed right on the right side of the device. Say, the default size was 5, and you can see the currently selected size is 6 or 7; you need to reposition it.

Simply turn the knob to select the bar size to 5. You will hear a clicking sound and will see an indicator, as well. Place it in the right position and try brewing now.

If the pressure gets higher and better, you’re good to go. But if it still is making loud noise and showing lower pressure, you need to move on.

Try selecting the grind size to the lowest possible – in this case, 1. This will cause the machine to grind the beans to its finest powder. Then run the coffee-making process again, and see if the device works any better.

If that’s still not working for you, you need to go one step ahead.

Reposition the Burr Size 

Now, as altering the grind size isn’t really working, you need to check the burr size inside the hopper.

First, remove the hopper lid from the top of the machine. Open it up and unlock the locker inside and take the hopper out. Now take out the burr, and you can see that the burr size is set to its default factory position.

Hold the lower clicker of the burr and turn it anti-clockwise to set the burr size to a lower position. Now put the burr back to the machine and lock the hopper over it. Set the grind size again to number 5 and run the coffee-making process again.

For most cases, the gauge issue will be resolved by this. If you’re still experiencing weird sounds, and the sour taste of coffee and observe the pressure meter not reaching higher than before, you need further adjustment.

Open the hopper again, take out the burr from inside, and use the clicker again to lower the size by one more number.

Reassemble the hopper and run the coffee-making process again. If the gauge is not completely broken or faulty, you should be able to enjoy a nice and fresh, tasty coffee right now.

What If the Gauge Is Broken?

There is a possibility that the gauge may get broken or damaged internally. A common issue is a leakage on the gauge that causes the pressure to get lowered. This results in a bizarre sound and awfully brewed coffee.

If this is the case with your device, there’s no point in working your heart out to fix it. You need to call the support and replace it from the authorized sellers.

Final Word

It doesn’t take a genius to find out how to fix an espresso machine gauge. If the gauge is not completely out of order, it’s nothing but a few adjustments away from you taking a sip of your favorite coffee.

Make sure you are carefully following the process we have shown here. Take precautionary measures to prevent spillage and overheating. You can check other parts of the device to see if there’s something else that is causing the malfunction other than the pressure gauge.

So that was it! Now you know how to take back your espresso machine and enjoy the best coffee ever!

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